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Renell Chalker

Board of Directors

An award-winning journalist with extensive experience covering all aspects of local news for 15+ years, Renell brings to the Board an unbiased understanding of current social and economic strengths and challenges, with a keen interest in understanding the goals and possibilities of community and human connection. After spending over a decade with VOCM radio, followed by two years in the non-profit sector, Renell is now a business reporter with allNewfoundlandLabrador.

Renell has been a Board member with the network since its inception, serving as secretary for the past three terms. In addition to her love of writing, Renell dabbles in art of all forms. She lives in Pouch Cove with her husband, two boys and cat.

Renell Chalker


Favourite Song: It’s A Good Life If You Don’t Weaken by The Tragically Hip

Interesting Fact: I got to see Gord Downie sing it at his last show in Toronto

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